
We’re back from Nürnberg and this year’s Spielwarenmesse, where we showcased our new product range for the very first time! It has been an inspiring and rewarding week, filled with engaging conversations, valuable insights and great feedback from customers, partners...
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Today we are affected more than ever by our mobile use with an average screen time of 4 hours per day. We have a digital lifestyle that increases mental illness, stress-related illnesses and sleep problems. Our digital lifestyle and our...
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Stephanie from Älmhult in Småland invented mobile phone cases with locks and created a sustainable digital lifestyle - with more human contact and increased presence! "Our digital lifestyle makes our everyday life incredibly much easier, but as in much else,...
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The mobile phone more or less controls our lives. We are constantly connected and for some, more involved in the lives of others than our own. How much time do we actually scroll away and are we not all in need of a digital break?
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